What’s your favourite thing to take tramping?

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      Is it your oilskin parka? The llama-wool scarf you bought in La Paz? The little gadget that tweets your precise whereabouts every 10 minutes along with your heart rate and the current temperature and humidity?

      What I’m keen to do is have a Wed night session where a few of us spend as little as 5 minutes showing our “favourite” piece of tramping kit and saying why it’s our favourite. Just 5 minutes! No pressure! Easy and little prep required.

      All you need to do is turn up on 17 April, along with your item of kit, and perhaps, if you like, a pic or three of why its your fav.

      “Favourite” is deliberately vague and subjective and can mean whatever you like. For instance it could mean

      The best – “This is my Event hyperflex TXH-5 parka. It’s so advanced that even in torrential storms, it repels liquid so fast that the rain doesn’t get within a metre of you. And at the same time it wicks moisture so well that you can use it for making beef jerky when you’re not wearing it. Plus it has a unique exothermic layer that means you can comfortably wear it in your underware at minus 15. When astronauts land on Mars, they’ll be wearing Event hyperflex TXH-5 fabrics.”

      What you’re most attached to – “I’ve had this hat since 1982, when my dad gave it to me. He got it from his dad before him. It’s a beautiful leather hat that’s oiled and polished with the sweat from four generations of my family.”

      With the best story – “This is the snow stake that was the only thing between me and oblivion, when I had that big fall in 2007 on our Mercedario expedition.”

      No reason in particular – “This is my tent, and I really like it. Any questions?”

      I’ll put a general call out but I know that you all have fantastic stories just waiting to come out. So please email me back and tell me just how keen you are, and what you will be showing off. Then turn up on 17 April and amaze your friends!

      Contact me on 021 103 4119 or at

      Cheers, Mike.

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