Which Club?

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    • #12270 Reply
      Andre Lategan

      Hi All
      I am interested in taking up tramping and see that I am spoiled for choice. Your club and Tararua are the most convenient for me to attend club nights. Since both clubs share apparently identical interests, I was wondering if each club had its own special slant, or both were very similar?

      One pointer I noticed was that your website states that most members fall in the 20 to 40 yrs age group. Since I am middle aged, I am wondering if Tararua has a older set on average and WT&MC a younger? Or maybe because Tararua is a bit bigger, it will accordingly have a larger group of older members. I’m not particularly looking to hang out with old fogies, but lets face it – the young probably prefer their own age group.

      I suppose the best will be for me to visit both clubs and I will probably do so unless there is a convincing reason to go for either club.

      My interest is largely tramping. Mostly day trips, the occasional weekend trip and longer trips now and then.

      Many thanks for any pointers.

    • #16437 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      Hi Andre,

      Both clubs are excellent clubs and offer a variety of activities including tramping, climbing, sea kayaking, cycle touring, mountain biking, and day walks.

      It is fair to say that these days the average age of out members, especially those active on club trips, would be lower than that of the TTC. However, we like people of all ages, as I am sure do the TTC.

      Checking out both clubs is a good idea. You can even go on a few trips with each club if you want before deciding on which club is for you. You never know, you may end up wanting to belong to both clubs.

    • #16445 Reply
      Andre Lategan

      Thank you Glynne – and sorry for this late response.

      Yes, I think it will be best to visit both clubs and do a tramp or two with each before choosing one. Hopefully I will have time to attend a club night in a couple of weeks.

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