Winter tramping schedule is out now

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    • #15237 Reply
      Mike Gilbert



      The May 2011 WTMC newsletter is available on the website, via this link:

      In this issue: Committee updates, Tutuwai, Arthur’s Pass, Ruahine: Sunrise Hut, Crooked, Queen Charlotte mountain bike trip, Whirinaki, Waterfall Hut, Kai on the fly, life membership award.

      Your paper version of the newsletter will be mailed to you shortly, if you’ve asked us to send you one.

      The winter tramping schedule is also available on the website:

      We have decided this month to trial not printing out a copy of the schedule for everyone at the club, but rather to ask those who already access the newsletter by email to download the latest schedule from the website also.

      If you get a paper newsletter sent to you, you will also get a copy of the winter schedule; and there will be copies available for you to pick up on club night. What do you think of that idea?

      Cheers, Mike.

    • #18438 Reply
      Peter S


      It seems a bit short sighted to not be sending a printed schedule to members. Yes we might be saving a few dollars on postage but it fails to recognise that the printed schedule is a great marketing tool for the club.

      Having a printed copy lying around is a great way to remind members what trips are coming up and who to contact about them. The one available on the internet does not have the contact details of leaders and having to go to the effort of looking though the membership database is a bit of a pain hence this is hardly an incentive to sign up for trip if you cannot make it down to club night.

      Given that the main issue for the club is a reduction in people going on trips rather than the clubs financial position then I would have though it was sensible to do more marketing rather than less.



    • #18439 Reply

      Thanks for your feedback. We get so little of it we sometimes think we are just talking to ourselves!

      We are very keen to get ideas on how to get more people to go on trips, become club members and generally support and contribute to the WTMC.

      We would love more people to come forward with ideas for marketing the club as well as ideas on where to run trips, offers to lead trips or run slideshows, staff the door on Wednesday nights, staff the gear locker etc. If you have any ideas please get in touch.


    • #18440 Reply


      I can’t see the problem. According to the last paragraph in Mike’s message, a paper copy of the schedule will be sent to all people who have elected to get paper copies of the newsletter. Also there will be hard copies available at club night.

      I don’t beleive that the club is trying to save money; I expect that the committee is trying to reduce the amount of time spent by volunteers in stuffing copies of the schedule into 400+ envelopes, addressing them, and affixing 400+ stamps. Having been a committee member in the past, I know that some tasks that may appear quite simple, are in fact very time consuming.


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