WTMC Annual Journal – Last Plea!

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    • #14906 Reply

      Hello trampers & kayakers and mountain bikers and…

      This is a final plea from the annual journal editors. We have had a very discouraging number of contributions for this years journal – only 5 folk have contributed so far.

      Unfortunately this means if we don’t get a LOAD of articles before our deadline of the end of October there won’t be a journal this year.

      This would be such a pity as we have the budget to do a nicely presented journal with loads of colour photos. We have all the templates set up ready to go, we just need your articles and photos.

      So please spare an hour to contribute as we would all like to hear your stories. Don’t leave it for someone else to do. Also remember there are flights to Christchurch up for grabs for the winning article.

      From the still forlorn but forever hopeful Journal Editors :-)

    • #18219 Reply

      Free trips to CCH to be won? Can I send in as many articles as I like to make my chances of getting one of those flights an almost-certainty?!?

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