WTMC Constitution update

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    • #15477 Reply

      If you are a WTMC member you should have received in the post a summary of proposed changes to the Club Constitution and notice of a Special Meeting which is being called to vote on the changes. Yep I’m talking about that flimsy bit of paper that came with the FMC Bulletin. It is not too late to fish it out of the recycling and take a closer look!

      The meeting (EGM), is scheduled for Wed 16 Jan 2013 at 8pm at the Clubrooms. Please mark this in your diary. I’ve checked your calendar and I’m pretty sure our EGM will be the highlight of that particular Wed.

      You can view a tracked changes version of the Constitution on the website. Go to “About WTMC” and click on “constitution”.

      Any questions please contact me at or anyone else on the Committee.

    • #18633 Reply

      Hi Sharron, or anyone.

      I won’t make it to the EGM, but I’m just wondering about a couple of academic or technical points:

      • Clause 5 states “The Club badge shall be as illustrated” but there’s no illustration in the renditions on the website. Does this mean that there’s no official club badge, or that there’s a more official constitution somewhere which has an illustration?
      • Really just in case anyone else is confused as I was: In the notes about changes, one note refers to clause 33, but I think it means to refer to clause 29 from the current constitution or clause 31 in the proposed constitution, titled ‘duties of members blah blah…’.


    • #18634 Reply

      Hi Mike
      Yes the reference to Clause 33 in the notes should in fact refer to Clause 31 of the amended Constitution which relates to the duties of members. We will get that corrected on the website versions to minimise confusion.

      As for your query about the Club badge, we will need to add in an illustrated copy of the Club badge when we file the amended Constitution. I believe there is an acutal badge floating round somewhere…

    • #18636 Reply

      By the way, make sure you read this update. It’s not the boring piece of bureacracy you’d expect – on the contrary, you’re rewarded Sharron’s dry wit at its best!

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