WTMC First Aid kits – what’s in them?

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    • #15014 Reply
      Mike Gilbert

      I’m wondering if anyone has a list of just what is in the WTMC first aid kits.

      I’m interested to know what’s actually available to us if someone gets injured on a trip, and what I maybe would put in my personal first aid kit to complement that.

      I’m also going to use it as a basis for checking off what’s in my own kit!

      I had a quick look through the site, if there is a list somewhere I couldn’t find it.


    • #18311 Reply

      Hi Mike, there is a list. In fact each kit has a copy of the list in it. I have a e-copy of the list somewhere and I am meant to be finding it already for Darren. Will email it to you both when I dig it up (on a computer somewhere, but not this one).

      If you are off to the upcoming MSC First Aid course, why not take a club one along for feedback?

      FYI – the contents came from what we had in there before, other lists (MSC etc.) and talking to club members (nurses, MSC course runners). I do have a few extra things in my kit though if you are keen – gastrolite (if you carry the fancy electrolite replacements you won’t need that) and a bandage for snake bites (no snakes in NZ, but they are good for putting a bit of pressure on – but even with snake bites you don’t want to cut the circulation off just slow things down…, but we couldn’t source them in NZ…), some better perscription pain killers (talk nicely to you GP as they aren’t so worried when you are a tramper), and sometimes antihistamine tablets when I remember to replace them (they expire regularly).

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