WTMC Girls are well in Oxfam Trailwalker Training

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      Hi Everyone!

      Four WTMC members have banned together as the Cafe Cruisers to take on the Oxfam 100km Trailwalker. That’s 100kms in one shot- no breaks, no sleeping! Well ok- there’ll be lots of breaks but definitely no sleeping! We’re hoping to complete the 100kms in under 30 hours!

      We are now well into our training and considering whether it’s time to start tapering down to the big event. We managed a noon to midnight walk this past weekend- 50kms! It turns out 100kms is going to be a LONG way, even for WTMC trampers!

      Want to help up get through the 3am duldrums? Want to help Oxfam support communities with fresh water and sanitation? If so, please go to our team page and make a donation. We are on our way to raising $3000 for Oxfam but we need your help!

      The link to our team page:

      Right- off to put my feet up to recover from that 50k!!!

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