WTMC Girls take on the Oxfam Trailwalker

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    • #15352 Reply
      Cafe Cruisers

      Hi Everyone!

      Four WTMC members have banned together as the Cafe Cruisers to take on the Oxfam 100km Trailwalker. That’s 100kms in one shot- no breaks, no sleeping! Well ok- there’ll be lots of breaks but definitely no sleeping! We’re hoping to complete the 100kms in under 30 hours!

      The Cafe Cruisers are Katy Glenie, Megan Banks, Illona Keenan and Kate Cushing. There has been a suggestion that we represent WTMC by carrying ice axes on our day packs. We’re taking this into consideration…

      We are doing the Trailwalker, not because we’re masochistic, but to raise the awareness of Oxfam in the community and also to help with fundraising for Oxfam projects. Do you have some cash to spare after paying your WTMC sub’s?? If so, please go to our team page and make a donation. We are on our way to raising $2500 for Oxfam but we need your help!

      The link to our team page:

      Right- off to do some training… or go to the Cafe…

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