WTMC Journal

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    • #12438 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Hi all,

      Don’t forget those memories of trips into the hills !!! Put it in writing, add a couple of photos and your experiences can be in print in the annual WTMC journal! This publication is printed late in the year and I’m on the search for articles before those memories fade!

      So far, thanks to Andrew Whitford (Lewis Pass), Harry Smith (cycling in Otago), Hugh Norris (Kahurangi) and yours truly (Tararuas), there are 4 articles submitted …… I’m looking for about 25 in total, so start putting fingers to keyboard.

      …. remember that Xmas trip to the hills, maybe Easter, maybe Queens Birthday, maybe the upcoming winter solstice …… plenty of opportunities

      Send any contributions to (preferably in Microsoft Word) and I’ll collect photos from you or others in your group later in the year. The deadline will be 15 October …. then I can get the journal out to letterboxes by Christmas.

      Grant Newton
      Journal Editor

      ps Glynne – this includes you …. 3-4 months in South America is worth a journal article!

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