WTMC Journal

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    • #14764 Reply
      Gareth Morton

      Hi all, with this new club website is there anyway of finding peoples personal contact details like with the old website? I am trying to contact Grant Newton about posting me another copy of the latest journal as the one sent to me last week got soaked in our insufficient letterbox when it rained – i was away for the weekend so wasn’t there to empty the letterbox. If anyone has Grants email address i would be very grateful.

    • #18100 Reply

      >Hi all, with this new club website is there anyway of finding peoples personal contact details like with the old website?

      Not yet but I have been working on trying to get it up and running again!
      Thanks all for your patience.


    • #18101 Reply
      Gareth Morton

      Thanks all, got his email address now. Cheers.

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