WTMC Lodge Working Party weekend – 18-20 May

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    • #15406 Reply
      Colin Bouttell

      We’re having a work party at the Mt Ruapehu Lodge next weekend. Leaving Wellington Friday evening 18th May and returning Sunday evening 20th. Unfortunately it seems we’re also competing with a large number of other trips on the same weekend.

      Activity consists of carrying non-perishable food items up to the lodge from the Whakapapa carpark and a couple of hours of annual cleaning activities. Nothing serious. A combined dinner in conjunction with the Serac lodge will ensue and a relaxing Saturday evening swapping tramping / snow stories. On Sunday people are free to go for a bit of a walk if they want.

      The only costs associated with this trip will be fuel for transport. This should be around $45 but to be confirmed later. Let me know if you’re available to assist. We have 4 (possibly 5) confirmed already. We’d like to get 8 volunteers if possible.

      Please let me know if you’re able to assist by the end of Monday 14th. I can be contacted on 027 499 9967 or 04 436 2559. I’ll be in the hills over the weekend, so may not be able to respond immediately.


      – Colin

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