WTMC recipe book

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    • #15457 Reply
      Mike G

      Aunty Rata, with help from Illona, Megan, Kevin and many other gourmet chefs from the WTMC, has put all of her favourite and best recipes together in one fine volume.

      For your next club or private trip, or even if you’re looking for something you can whip up at home with just one or two pots and minimum fuss – have a browse and see what takes your fancy.

      It’s up on this very website – you’ll find it under ‘News and Publications’ or click here:

      What’s your favourite recipe from this book? OR if you think you can do even better, tell us aboutYOUR very extra special recipe (that could go in the sequel)! Either way, reply to this message and tell us all.

    • #18608 Reply

      Awesome, well done! Just printed it and keen to try out some recipes as soon as possible.

      Thanks for your great work


    • #18609 Reply

      Great book. Makes it easy for those of who find cooking for groups ‘challenging’.

      By the way, who is Aunty Rata?

    • #18610 Reply
      John Steinbeck

      Who is Aunty Rata?

      Whenever they’s a stew so hungry trampers can eat, she’ll be there. Whenever they’s a ranger checking hut tickets, she’ll be there… she’ll be in the way guys yell when they find someone forgot the rice, an’-she’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry an’ they know supper’s ready. An’ when our folks eat the stuff they cook from that recipe book an’ sleep full and comfy in the tents they pitch-why, she’ll be there.

    • #18611 Reply
      Mark Twain

      Aw shucks. Yep, she done real good, ol’ Aunty Rata. An’ when she’s not helpin’ out a-pitchin’ tents an’ rustlin’ up stews fo’ supper, why, she be out there wrasslin’ b’ars and skinnin’ ‘coons and fellin’ trees.

    • #18612 Reply
      Mike G

      I inflicted Steve Austin’s Beef Stroganoff on the Paua Hut family trip in the weekend, and everyone loved it. I recommend it!!

      I got everyone to bring unspecified veges, and threw them in too – which made it extra yummy. Eggplant, celery, kumara, the punters went crazy. I also made a vege option by leaving browning the beef separately, and then keeping one billy beef free – it worked really well.

    • #18613 Reply
      Angela G

      One highlight that will hopefully make it into WTMC Recipe Book II – the sequel – is Helen Laws’ deconstructed trifle. It goes great on an easy to medium trip, particularly if you have a fit punter you need to handicap. I even make it at home now. The recipe below serves around 6.

      * 2x half of a double sponge
      * 4 tbsps Raspberry Jam (this is ESSENTIAL)
      * 1/2 cup sweet or medium sweet Sherry (optional)
      * 410g can Wattie’s Fruit Salad in Clear Fruit Juice, well drained
      * 300ml bottle cream
      * 600ml carton prepared custard
      To Garnish
      * 1/4 cup Grated Chocolate

      1. Spread sponge half with the Raspberry Jam and place in the base and sides of a billy.
      2. Pour over the Sherry, or the Fruit Salad juice
      3. Spread the well drained Fruit Salad on top.
      4. Whip the cream (just shake the bottle) until soft peaks form, and blend half the whipped cream with the custard. Spread the custard evenly over the fruit and sponge.
      5. Spread the remaining whipped cream over the top of the custard and refrigerate one hour (put the billy in the river?) before serving.
      6. Decorate with grated chocolate before serving.

      Chef’s tips: people who complain about carrying cream and tinned fruit salad don’t get dessert!

    • #18614 Reply

      Is 2x half a double sponge equal to 2x a single sponge, or 1x a whole double sponge?

    • #18615 Reply

      Yes, that confused me too!! I bought one of those round ones from New World that 1/4 filled a billy, that seemed about right.

    • #18616 Reply

      We are doing an new version of the WTMC recipe book (https://www.wtmc.org.nz/wtmc-recipe-book) and correcting some of the mistakes in the old one. We need your feedback

      Noticed any mistakes you want fixed?
      Got any new recipes?
      Got any requests?

      Version 2 will have some new main recipes, more desserts, lunch ideas including tararua biscuit recipes and a section on dehy recipes.
      We were also going to update version 1 with how to make some of the recipes gluten free, and have a gluten free for beginners section.

      Please send any ideas, corrections to me.

    • #18625 Reply

      Woohoo! Looking for to the next version


    • #18626 Reply

      Paula had a great recipe for Con Carne with Bulghur Wheat topped with Guacamole & corn chips on our recent Jumbo Holdsworth tramp. Hit her up for the recipe for the new edition – was the best meal I’ve had on a trip yet!

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