WTMC social halloween BBQ bash?

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      I wasin peru and say the note- leaders wanted and I signed up for a few and got this one without knowing what it was – as we all do!!

      WEEKEND SATURDAY OR SUNDAY ( weather dependent) 30 /31 OCOTBER

      The intention was to go a night haunting/tramping dressed in white sheets thru the cemetries ending up at the leaders place for a social BBQ. However events in the past few months mean that such hilarity may not go down so well and we’d need to scale security fences in the now WCC guarded cemetries etc

      So…in the social Tongue & Meat spirit…we’ll still do something

      A Mystery Medium day walk of some description somewhere local in equally scary polypro and tramping attire (please feel free to TREAT us with a scary halloween outfit during walk) and we’ll end up for a either a potluck WTMC Broadmeadows or OTARI BUSH BBQ halloween bash (depending on numbers and weather!) Dress up optional, scariest instant mashed potato dish, volleyball, family fun…..????????

      SIGN UP SHEET on board for the walk and if you are keen to ONLY meet up for BBQ please email me as I wont get a seperate sheet up until the 13th!!!!
      Any ideas or helpers please contact me also.

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