Xmas trips

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    • #13637 Reply
      Gabriel Ossenkamp

      Hello everyone!

      Well, another expat clubbie heading back to NZ for some adventures over Christmas… I am wondering whether anyone is planning some “medium” or “fit” (which would be the proof of what this new thing, “professional life” has done to me…) tramping or alpine activity in the South Island between the 3/1 and 9/1 that I could join.

      It would be great to share some of my 4 weeks in NZ with the club again!

      Best regards to you all from southern Germany about to get wintery.


    • #17326 Reply
      Gabriel Ossenkamp

      Hello again!

      As a brief PS to my previous posting, here are some trips I have been mulling over, in case there are other undecideds out there:

      I am always keen on traverse-like ventures involving some peaks and passes on the way. The Godley area would be interestung for that I reckon. But maybe also a climb of D’Archiac from the west and out to to the East and Mesopotamia Station? My time frame is Jan 3 to 9.



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