Sign-up now for Bushcraft 2014

Keen to get into New Zealand’s great outdoors but don’t know where to start? WTMC Bushcraft will give you the confidence and skills you need. This weekend course covers the basics about what to take, what to expect and how to look after yourself. It’s designed for people over the age of 18 who are interested … Read more

Nature of Things – Jan 2014

Kia ora fellow trampers! Hopefully you like our new blog style newsletter. Big thanks to Mike G, Steve K and Megan S for making it happen. It’s been a long time coming but worth the wait I think. A bit like the AGM! Yep this will be happening on Wednesday 9 April at the Clubrooms. … Read more

The Nature of Things – Dec 2013

Xmas will be here soon, although I’m slightly worried the reindeers will either drown or suffer terribly from heat exhaustion. Remember to leave some craft beer out for them, no dog…I mean Tararua biscuits! Please save your silly season stuff for the Xmas parties in town. Plan your outdoor adventures carefully and make considered decisions. … Read more

The Nature of Things – Nov 2013

It’s time to get organised for summer. If you want to help shape the summer trip schedule mark Wednesday 6 November and come to the clubrooms at 6pm with your trip ideas. The Club Journal for 2013 is largely complete and we hope to send it out to members in time for Christmas. If you … Read more

The nature of things – October 2013

Greetings fellow trampers. The spring climbing season is upon us and I have lots of trips planned so I’m going to keep this column short and blunt. I like to think that WTMC is a friendly, welcoming, inclusive club. This is certainly the culture the committee is trying to foster. As warmer weather descends upon … Read more

The Nature of Things – September 2013

Sharron Came, President We live in strange times. The warmest winter on record, a pink trip schedule and tramping for yoga – spring must be here! On Wednesday 9 October we are hosting a New Member’s Night to celebrate and welcome prospective trampers into our world. It would be great if you could spread the … Read more

The Nature of Things – Aug 2013

Big thanks to everyone who came along to our trip planning night on 24 July, it was great to see some new faces as well as the usual suspects whom we count on to come up with great ideas for the trip schedule. It would be fantastic if the rest of you could take a … Read more

The Nature of Things – July 2013

After nearly two and a half years of editing our newsletter, this one is going to be Sarah’s last. As newsletter readers you will have noticed that Sarah has used her time in charge to transform our newsletter. Her legacy will be one of faithfully producing each month an informative and entertaining mega-snapshot of our … Read more

The Nature of Things – June 2013

We are a very lucky Club. Last weekend four of our life members braved a freezing southerly to patch the roof of the Club Lodge thereby fixing the lounge leak. Life members are worth their weight in gold particularly when it comes to looking after our Lodge. They are also an inspiration in terms of … Read more

The Nature of Things – May 2013

Sharron Came, President We had our AGM earlier this month; thanks to everyone who attended and for all the positive feedback we received on the annual report. Congratulations also to the members joining the committee for the first time: Mike Phethean, Mike Gilbert and Debbie Buck. I know some of you have not managed to … Read more