Track Talk – April 2012

It’s nearly a new (tramping club) year, so time for some resolutions. Remember leaders’ forums? They are back, as of Wednesday 2 May. Meet at 6.45pm in the cafe above the Embassy to talk routes, meals and other trip leading intricacies. Feel free to come along to just chat about trip leading if you’re vaguely … Read more

The Nature of Things – April 2012

In a few weeks we will hold our AGM. With this issue of the newsletter is a copy of the Annual Report and the Club Accounts. There are five topics we would like to get your feedback on at the AGM. I have highlighted them here for convenience and to get you thinking. Of course … Read more

Track Talk – March 2012

The Wednesday before we left for our 12-day Fiordland epic, Sharron gave a slideshow on her Westland Christmas adventure. It looked hard. She said that there were times every day when she wished she wasn’t there. It was a comment my mind kept returning to as we journeyed through the Murchison Mountains, up the Doon, … Read more

The Nature of Things – March 2012

The committee has been busy putting together the annual report for the 2011 financial year. I know what you’re thinking – “that sounds incredibly dull, bit of a faux pas her mentioning that when she’s looking for people to join the committee!” Actually it has been surprisingly interesting looking back at what happened in terms … Read more

Track Talk – February 2012

I hope you’ve enjoyed the outdoors over the holiday period. If, like me, you were in the North Island, this enjoyment may have been tempered with slight frustration at the volumes of rain and wind. At Anniversary weekend, Richard and I were in the Ruahines and woke up to snow settled outside McKinnon Hut, with … Read more

The Nature of Things – February 2012

Happy New Year everyone, I hope you had a great Christmas break. If you missed the snow in the Tararuas at Anniversary weekend don’t worry there are some good tramping and cycling opportunities coming up.  Check out the summer trip schedule and sign up for some adventures. If you have any ideas for future trips … Read more

Track Talk – November 2011

Author: Amanda Wells, Chief Guide Hard to believe but it’s time for a new trip schedule. The summer schedule runs from February to April and we’re looking for ideas of road ends now. Please email them to Richard () by the end of this week. Trip planning, when we figure out the actual tramps for … Read more

The Nature of Things – November 2011

Author: Sharron Came, President Hopefully you all had a great Labour weekend whether you were out in the hills or biting your nails at your local pub while pondering the big issues of the day such as will Beaver be able to kick that crucial penalty.  Judging by the number of texts I received from … Read more

The Nature of Things – Oct 2011

Hopefully you have been taking full advantage of the great Spring weather to get outdoors tramping, cycling, kayaking, running or just to catching the pool matches in the Rugby World Cup. Shivering in the Cake Tin watching Scotland try to beat Argentina did remind me rather a lot of tramping. With daylight saving here now … Read more

Track Talk – Oct 2011

An interesting development in the Tararuas: Powell hut is now bookable between 1 November and the end of February. The price remains the same but there is an additional management fee of $5-$10 “depending on party size” that everyone, including holders of annual hut passes, will have to pay. Apparently “unallocated bunks will be available … Read more