From the President … in March 2022 ..

Tēnā koutou katoa As we near the end of one “WTMC year” and enter another one, it would be easy to focus on the many covid-19 issues that continued to face the club since I first became President nearly two years ago. However, I feel hopeful that New Zealand and the club are at last … Read more

From the President …in February 2022 …

Tēnā koutou katoa Although there been a few weekends of tumultuous weather–it hasn’t deterred our outdoors community with plenty of safe, fun adventures. I’ve included a few photos from our Vice President Tony from just one of these (South Saddle to Mukamuka stream, camping near the coast). There’s lots more to get involved in. The … Read more

From the President … in January 2022 …

Tēnā koutou katoa Happy New Year – hopefully each of you has been able to enjoy various outdoor adventures. We’re aware that the uncertainties and challenges from covid-19 are unsettling for many, with the recent shift to the Covid-19 Red traffic light setting also bringing more uncertainty. There’s a full schedule of tramping and other … Read more

From the President …in November 2021 …

As we’re nearing the end of a challenging 2021, what stands out to me is the generosity of spirit, thoughtfulness and efforts of so many members and others. I’m continually amazed and impressed by the extent of to which people across the club contribute. A massive shout out and thanks to each of our volunteers … Read more

From the President …in October 2021 …

Tēnā koutou Now that we’re back at level 2, I’ve enjoyed hearing about many of the trips running again – with many more on the schedule for those who missed out this month or wanting more. A taster from the trips last weekend: Tereza’s changed her Balls Pass trip to the sunny Seaward Kaikoura range … Read more

From the President …in September 2021 …

Tēnā koutou Although Covid-19 continues to present challenges for us all, there’s still lots happening and to get involved in. Wellington is fortunate to be back to covid-19 alert level 2 so we’re able to run most club trips again with a few extra considerations. The new trip schedule is on the website here. A … Read more

From the President …in August 2021 …

Tēnā koutou It’s been quite a mixed month for everyone and the club. At such a time, it’s important to not lose sight of the many recent great WTMC moments. The Families Group enjoyed its awesome annual campfire cookout at Battle Hill with about 30 people. The kids had an absolutely wonderful time, learning how … Read more

From the President … in July 2021

Tēnā koutou I’m delighted that we now have a full Committee – and really pleased to welcome our new Chief Guide, Anne de Ferron. Anne has been leading trip for many years, as well as helping the club with the Mountain Film Festival and in many other ways. So many thanks to Matt C for … Read more