Track Talk – April 2013

Three years ago I became chief guide, and I’m pleased to be on the verge of relinquishing this title to Mike Phethean. Not pleased because I’m sick of it or have stopped enjoyed it, but because I believe that roles need to turn over in clubs like ours to avoid institutionalism. New eyes tackle things … Read more

Track Talk – March 2013

For the past couple of months, Richard, Sharron and I, along with some expert helpers, have been formulating a PLB policy for the club. After the first activation of a club PLB over Christmas (see Jenny’s account), we realised that it would be useful to set out assumptions and guidelines around PLBs, particularly as committee … Read more

Track Talk – February 2013

Having just received a text asking where this column is, it will of necessity be brief! I hope you’ve managed to enjoy some tramps during this holiday season, though to describe it as “summer” has not always seemed accurate. Christmas Day excepted, the weather has been more notable for wind and rain than sunburn. As … Read more

Track Talk – December 2012

At the last minute, the Summer schedule came together and far exceeded my expectations. A big thanks to all our trip leaders! As an experiment, we’d included January again (after making it part of the Spring schedule) to see if we could get some more leaders. This worked, with a better array of trips now … Read more

Track Talk – November 2012

The fact that I seem to have written the last newsletter column only five minutes ago clearly indicates we’re on the downhill slope towards Christmas. But before then we need to get another trip schedule planned, lead and published! It’s not too late to get your road end ideas to me – email before … Read more

Track Talk – October 2012

 Amanda Wells, Chief Guide  Daylight saving has arrived, along with Spring’s patchy weather. It signals the time to start thinking about your summer ambitions, as well as any training needed to achieve them! I am trying to write this column quickly so that I can go out for a run and practise my own advice. … Read more

Track Talk – September 2012

Amanda Wells, Chief Guide  We’ve completed the trip schedule for Spring, which runs from September till Anniversary weekend in January. Thanks to all those who have signed up to lead trips; you play the most important role in the club. It’s inspiring to see so many people who completed the leadership course earlier this year … Read more

Track Talk – August 2012

It’s been a beautiful weekend in Wellington. And judging by the view out the bedroom window, a beautiful weekend in the Tararuas as well. While appreciating the view, I feel that rueful opportunity cost of being at home rather than in the mountains; being sick and being on call not withstanding. The last few times … Read more