From the Green Crocs – December 2009

2010 is almost upon us, we had our last club night of the year yesterday (a unique and thought provoking talk on reconnecting with nature!), and Christmas is just a couple of weeks away now. I think 2009 has been another great year for our club. The material highlights are buying a 2nd club van … Read more

From the Green Crocs – November 2009

I mentioned the Club Journal in my last column, and I am happy to report that the 2009 Journal will be going ahead, so look out for that in your mailbox before the end of the year. Thanks to all who have contributed, and especially to Jackie and Tony, who have been very busy working … Read more

From the Green Crocs – Sep/Oct 2009

Spring is in the air, and we have lots of people getting away on club trips, which is fantastic. It seems that trip sheets are filling up as fast as they go up on the board! There are still a few trips on the Spring Schedule which need leaders, if you would like to see … Read more

From the Green Crocs – August 2009

Well the weather is definitely getting warmer, and spring is just around the corner! The spring trip schedule will reach you with this newsletter, there are some really great trips on offer, so I hope you are able to get out and enjoy the great NZ outdoors with WT&MC. Thanks to all the people who … Read more

From the Green Crocs – July 2009

Salaam, I am back from my Moroccan sojourn, thanks for Sue and Marie for holding the presidential reins while I was away. I have got used to the cold temperatures again, but a few weeks away in the Northern Hemisphere summer makes me hope that spring is not too far away for us. Above is … Read more

Wayne’s Rave

The past month has been another busy month for the club. The work building a new public shelter at Mountain House has resulted in many club members giving up a number of weekends for this project. At first I was a bit worried about whether we would have enough helpers for this project. However, we … Read more