WTMC Promotions – New Member Night

The Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club will be holding its next New Members’ Night on Wednesday, 9 October from 7:30pm. The night is a chance to reach out to those who are keen to join us, or to just get out in the great New Zealand outdoors for the first time. The schedule is a bit … Read more

WTMC website update – October 2012

The website users’ list has been updated so all your contact details should now be up to date. Even better, there are 28-odd new members who have been added to the website users’ list. If you’re one of these users, you should have received a ‘welcome’ email with some details about how to log onto … Read more

Promotions – March 2012

The annual new members night was held on 22 Feb and was a great success with around 60 new people turning up, a large number of which signed on for trips or the Bushcraft course. I’d really like to thank all the members who came on the night and did all the work.  It was awesome to see such … Read more