Over a Cuppa – July 2014

Sue is off gallivanting at the opposite end of the earth in honour of her 31st birthday, so your friendly newsletter editor has stepped in. We have some spots available in September for club talks and I’d like to surprise Sue by having every single spot filled. To bribe reward you for volunteering – anyone who offers … Read more

Over a Cuppa – June 2014

I’m really pleased to let you know that Nick Jennings is going to give a presentation at club this coming Wednesday the 2nd of July.  For those of you who don’t know Nick, he is one of our life members and has been part of the club for many a year.  Nick will be talking about tramping in … Read more

Over a Cuppa – May 2014

We have a lovely variety of speakers coming up over the next wee while.  These are: 4 June    –  Some committee members will spin a yarn or two although who’s story are they telling?  You’ll have to come along to work that out yourself; 11 June  –   Chief Guide Mike Phethean will be … Read more

Over a Cuppa – April 2014

Now that  Autumn is on our doorstep, it’s a perfect time for you to be thinking about the amazing adventures you’ve had over Summer and the presentation that you can put together to make my day!  It’s easy, a minimum of 10 minutes up to around 40/45 minutes, and if you can twist someone else’s arm to present … Read more

Over a cuppa – March 2014

Our April presentations are staying closer to home this month with: 9 April – our Annual General Meeting. Don’t think that you needn’t attend as everyone else will. This is an important night for the club so please do come along; 16 April – Illona Keenan is taking us down to the Sub-Antarctic islands and will share … Read more

Over a Cuppa – Feb 2014

Over the last month we’ve had wonderful presentations that have taken us around the globe.  Thank you to the folk who have taken the time to put these together and come and talk to us.  We also had a very successful New Members Night on the 19th February and it was marvellous to see lots … Read more

Over a Cuppa – Jan 2014

Happy 2014! I hope everyone is feeling refreshed after their Christmas breaks and just itching to tell us all about them!  I am slowly getting speakers confirmed for this year and would love to hear from you.  In the meantime we have the following presentations coming up: 5 Feb: Gear night only as we have … Read more

Over A Cuppa – Dec 2013

Christmas is fast approaching and our presentations for the year are drawing to a close. The last presentation is on December 11 – sit back and watch a DVD of the photos that were entered for the FMC photography competition. In between there will be mini quizzes, and there will be more than just chocolate … Read more

The Great WTMC Bake-off

At the club social night on 23 October we had the First Annual Great WTMC Bake-Off where punters presented their best baked tramping snack for taste-testing. All this fun was to help highlight the launch of the second edition of the WTMC Cookbook – now online and including the award winning recipes from the bake-off. … Read more