Burn Hut – Tararua Forest Park

Day 1: Mangahao Lower No 2 Reservoir to Burn Hut Weather: Dry and warmDOC travel time: 3-4 hrs Group Time: 4 hrs Departing Wellington at 9am, it was a 1 1/2hr drive to Shannon, where we had morning tea. After this, there was a 45 minute drive up a narrow gravel road to Mangahao No … Read more

Tapokopoko to South Saddle – with aliens on the eastern skyline

Orongorongo Valley with clearing mist

Tapokopoko to South Saddle ‘Where is the Tapokopoko scree slope? The map shows it is right here.’  ‘The map lies. I reckon the cheeky aliens stole it out from under us and planted a whole forest of trees instead!’   Tony and I were standing on the edge of the supposed ‘scree slope’ that was marked … Read more

Rangipo Desert from the WTMC Lodge – and the story of Te roro o Taiteariki

Rangipo Desert – hiking to the small volcano named Te roro o Taiteariki A 2 day hiking loop trip across the Rangipo Desert to Te roro o Taiteariki – named after an unfortunate warrior who died after his brain (roro) was seriously damaged in a land related skirmish. Across Rangipo Desert from the WTMC Ruapehu … Read more

Winchcombe Biv – Tararua Forest Park

Fri – Waiohine Gorge car park to Cone HutWithin minutes of starting our journey to Cone Hut, in an attempt to avoid getting wet feet, I had somehow managed to fall (timber-like) sideways into the creek. I hit my knee, there was blood and a bruise-in-the-making, and I needed a minute to recover. Not a … Read more

Maungahuka Hut and marshmallows in the rain – Tararua Forest Park

The forecast for the weekend was pretty uninviting – gale force winds on Saturday with increasing rain throughout Sunday. The low on Saturday night was forecast to be -3°C at Kime Hut. I figured there was no way we would be going ahead with our planned route along the tops. In fact I was so … Read more

Volunteering on Kapiti Island

Volunteering on Kapiti Island On Friday at 8am I was waiting with Anne, Jamie and nine other volunteers to jump in the boat and head across to Kapiti Island to volunteer for three days doing trapline work on the island. On arrival we headed straight to the biosecurity room to go through all our gear and … Read more

Tutuwai Hut and the Geographic Centre of NZ – Tararua Forest Park

We departed from Wellington Railway Station at about 7.30am for the drive over the Remutakas and past Greytown, to the Waiohine Gorge carpark entrance of Tararua Forest Park. It was a lovely sunny winter day. We started our walk at 9.20am – going straight across the Waiohine Gorge suspension bridge. There were great views up and down the … Read more

Stumpy Stream – a winter tramp in the Hakatere Conservation Area

Stream from the saddle above Stumpy Stream - Hakatere Conservation Park featured image

Stumpy Stream a winter tramp in the Hakatere Conservation Park A 5 day winter hiking loop trip through the Hakatere Conservation Park and a climb to the summit of Mt Potts Since moving to Christchurch at the beginning of the year the Hakatere Conservation Park between the Rakaia and Rangitata Rivers has become one of my … Read more

Mt Potts and Dogs Range – frozen boots and bobsleds

Mt Potts and Dogs Range – frozen boots and bobsleds A 4 day hiking loop trip through spectacular mountain scenery of the Hakatere Conservation Area in winter with icy conditions Mt Potts and Dogs Range – frozen boots and bobsleds ‘The good news is that we have found your luggage. The bad news is that … Read more

Richmond Saddle Hut – Mount Richmond Forest Park

Disembarking from the Friday afternoon ferry to Picton, we drove to Onamalutu Scenic Reserve campsite along with the Medium group and had a cool, but peaceful, night’s sleep under the trees (campsite fee $10 cash per person). The Medium group had a much longer day ahead of them, so we packed up and left Onamalutu … Read more