10 Feb 2016 WTMC New Member’s Night

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    • #15942 Reply
      kevin cole

      If you’re new to the club or just curious, come along to check us out. On New Members Night we showcase all the activities the club does, talk about how to join and get involved, and provide tips for those new to tramping in NZ. Feel free to bring friends and family who have always been curious. More details coming soon – watch our website or our facebook page.

    • #18950 Reply
      Tony Gazley

      This year the club’s annual photo competition will be on Wednesday 16 March. So now is the time to collect your best photos from the last 12 months and sent them electronically to the newsletter editor, or give a USB or CD copy to any club committee member on Wednesday club nights.

      Because the two winning photos from each category are submitted to the FMC competition the rules for our competition are the same as for FMC. The categories and conditions of entry are printed below.

      Club member Grant Newton will judge our competition again and many of you will know from previous years he offers great advice (and criticism where due) of all entries. So you may not only win a prize but you will certainly get worthwhile feedback on your photos from a very experienced judge that will enable you to take better pictures in the future.

      Our club has won the FMC completion for the last two years against photo entries from all other NZ tramping clubs – so let’s see if we can get enough pictures entered in our competition to be able to do it again.

      Note that there is a maximum per person of two entries in each category and that the final date for entries submitted to the organiser is 24 February 2016.


      The categories (and codes) are:

      ABOVE BUSHLINE [ABL] (Photos with people in them are encouraged)
      BELOW BUSHLINE [BBL] (Photos with people in them are encouraged)
      HISTORIC [HIS] (Photos taken before 1985)
      NATIVE FLORA OR FAUNA [NFF] (No people in these photos)
      OUTDOOR LANDSCAPES [OLS] (No people in these photos )
      All entries (except in Historic category) must:

      Have the only digital manipulation permitted is minor cropping, sharpening and tonal or exposure adjustments.
      Panoramic stitched images are acceptable provided the only manipulation other than stitching is cropping, sharpening and tonal or exposure adjustments.
      Be taken since 1 January 2015 by a member of the club and have not won awards in any other photographic competition other than the members own Club Photo Competition.
      Entries in the Historic category can be submitted as original prints or colour slides (these will be returned) or scanned and submitted electronically. If scanned they should be at least 600 pixels on each dimension. For this category we are looking for photos taken pre 1985 – please don’t send recent photos of a historic item.
      All photos must be taken in New Zealand
      All files must be named according to the format below:

      CATEGORYCODE Club Name Photographer Caption.jpg (or tif) – (the category codes are given above).

      As an example:

      ABL WTMC John Smith Mt Holdsworth.jpg (Note no full stops, dashes or underscores).

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