2 x Trip Leaders needed: Labour Weekend

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    • #14318 Reply
      Chief Guide

      Hi All,

      We have two trips scheduled for Labour Weekend that currently to do not have leaders due to changing commitments etc. If we do not find leaders for these trips we will not be able to run them.

      – Tararauas MF Tramp to Neill Winchcombe
      – Nelson Lakes E Tramp to Bushline Hut and Lake Rotoiti

      If you are a member and would like to lead, or participate in either of these trips please see Alistair or myself.


    • #17824 Reply
      Chief Guide

      Thankyou Bronwyn for offering to lead the Nelson Lakes Trip.

      We are still seeking leader for the Tararua’s trip, otherwise we will need to cancel the trip.

      If you are a member and would like to lead this trip, or a variant thereof please let me know.


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