2007 Trampers Challenge

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    • #14396 Reply
      Wendy Abbott

      The Trampers Challenge is a multi-sport event that the WTMC has run for just over 10 years now. The start/finish is Bishops Park, Eastbourne. This year, the event is scheduled for Sunday 15 April: registration starts at 8am, race briefing is at 8.45am and the race begins at 9am.
      The event involves:
      ? 5km kayak around Ward Island.
      ? 6km run in the Butterfly Creek Area.
      ? 20km mountain bike to Pencarrow Lighthouse and back.

      You can enter as an individual or a team. Entry is free. Kayak hire (if required) is $15 per person thanks to a great discount from Fergs Rock N Kayaks. Two teams can share a single kayaker. You can choose to paddle a single kayak or you may wish to join another team/individual in a double. Confirmation of kayak hire is required by 5th April.

      Fancy dress is highly encouraged with a prize for the best dressed. Other tramping clubs from Wellington, the Hutt Valley and the Wairarapa are being invited to enter teams as well so there is bound to be a bit on inter-club rivalry. Post challenge fun includes prize giving and a BYO BBQ.

      Prizes have been donated by our sponsors ? Bivouac/Outdoor and Mainly Tramping.

      If you?re not able to compete but would like to lend a hand prior to the event, or on the day there?s a plenty of tasks you can help with that don?t require a huge amount of effort ? e.g. timekeeping on the day.

      More information and entry forms can be obtained from Wendy and Paul Abbott:
      ? Email
      ? Home Phone 04 976 4212
      ? Mobiles 021 502 817 (Paul), 027 344 1151 (Wendy)

      So come and join us for a fun day out!!!

    • #17863 Reply

      You can download the entry form here

      and the information sheet here


      P.S. A big cheer to Paul and Wendy for organising this event!

    • #17865 Reply

      Just wondering if life jackets are provided with hired kayaks?

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