29 Oct – new trampers night – we need you there!

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      The next WTMC New Trampers Night is 29 October – just 5 weeks away.

      Lots of friendly and experienced trampers will be available to give you advice and encouragement about getting out and about in the Wellington region. Come on down and find out more about what sort of daywalks and overnight tramping, cycling and kayaking trips are possible from Wellington, and get some advice about what sort of gear to bring and how to prepare.

      Shout-out to current members! We need you to help out with this on a job below, or just wear a ‘hello my name is’ sticker and mingle and be friendly. It’s nice and easy, you basically just an opportunity for you talk enthusiastically about the things you love doing in the weekends, to people who are keen and interested to hear all about it.

      Door welcoming
      Weekend Tramping info
      Alpine info
      Day trips info
      Cycling info
      Kayaking info
      Family trampers info
      Ruapehu Lodge info

      What else? Photography? Navigation? What is YOUR passion?

      If one (or more!) of these jobs sounds just like you, please give Mike and Beccy a yell. You can reach us at .

      Thanks in advance!

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