4 Legged Tramping

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    • #12602 Reply
      Stu McKinlay

      Last year a new tramping companion moved in with me, she’s four legged and her fitness at 8 months is already putting me to shame. I’ve taken her on a few day walks into the Tararuas but want to do some overnights / long weekends. Does anyone have any advice on areas to avoid with dogs (besides the obvious 1080 spots)? I was thinking Tararua Peaks would be out and probably Broken Axe Pinnacles (but haven’t been to either yet). Also three wire bridges would not be crossable, at least without considerable training.


    • #16719 Reply
      Simon Ward

      A few years ago we met a Jack Russell on the southern main range who had come from Maungahuka Hut over the Tararua Peaks in poor weather, and more recently we also met a larger dog at the hut that had arrived there the usual way – 4 legs are better than 2!

      I have also seen a smallish dog carrying pannier bags on the Catchpool track – I am not sure what the dog’s load was.

      Beware of poison bait at huts – most huts would have rodent bait somewhere.


    • #16720 Reply

      You might like to ask DoC about this. They could warn you of any poisoned areas, and any other areas where your dog could be a risk to their bird recovery operations…

    • #16721 Reply

      I’d reinforce what Gerald says.

      DOC can supply a schedule of poisoning operations that should give you plenty of advance warning. Be aware that the regional council also does pest control as well (tends to be brodificoum rather than 1080).

      Dogs are not allowed in National Parks. I would also not take a dog into an area that is known to have kiwi or other ground nesting birds, irrespective of whether it is allowed or not. It is a good idea to talk to DOC area offices or visitor centres about places that are appropriate and places that are not appropriate.



    • #16723 Reply
      Stu McKinlay

      Thanks All.

      I’ve talked to DOC a little while ago and they gave me a schedule of baiting by themselves and different councils. Interestingly nobody mentioned huts but that is good thinking, I’ll now be aware of that. I already knew of staying out of National Parks and ground bird areas.

      I have pencilled in a climb up East Holdsworth Spur and a walk out to Angle Knob for this weekend if the weather is ok to camp on the tops. If it’s rough we may just head into Totara Flats via Gentle Annie. I expect to be more likely to do the latter considering I’ve planned 3 tramps this summer and every one has ended up being cancelled due to bad weather. The last two weeks have been frustrating – good weather and other commitments!

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