Access to LINZ’s topographic map and data – ok or all wrong?

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      LINZ is currently seeking feedback on a draft strategy for the way it provides its topographic maps and data.

      The draft strategy recognises the need for accuracy in topographic products and data, but also aims to reflect changes in technology.

      LINZ produces the Topo50 and 250 series of maps for New Zealand, and its off shore dependencies. Digital images of these maps and the data used to produce them are available online through the LINZ Data Service.

      As well as tramping and outdoor recreation, topographic information is used for disaster response, emergency services, defence and land management.

      Consultation on the draft strategy will close at 5pm on 26 May 2014. At WTMC we are some of the most ardent users of Topo maps both on paper, on computers and loaded into GPS’s. Do LINZ get it right? How could they serve your needs better?

      The draft strategy is here:

      Feedback can be sent to Aaron Jordan, Business Manager Topographic: [url=mailto:?subject=Topographic%20review][/url] with ‘Topographic review’ in the subject line.

      All feedback received will be considered in developing a final strategy for release in the middle of the year. An implementation plan will also be created to put these aims into practice over the next five years.

      Get your 2c worth in and help improve one of our most essential tramping tools.

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