After Work Rogaines – A great way to improve your nav skills!

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      After Work Rogaines are back….once a month through until November.

      First one is Tues 11th April 6pm

      You’ll need:
      – a compass
      – a head-torch
      – $10-$20 (depending on how late you register and whether you join an orienteering club)
      – at least one friend willing to get lost in the dark with you
      – an appetite for post-adventure pizza
      – usual gear for keeping warm/dry/safe during outdoor adventures

      These events are great for honing your navigation skills, getting a different perspective on Wellington suburbs and avoiding the sofa on winter evenings.

      You are given a detailed map of the area with control points marked – you get more points for finding trickier or far-flung controls. You plan a route and navigate your way up, down, and round-a-bout to collect as many points as you can in three hours. Run, walk or sometimes bike your way round. Most events have a mix of on-street and bush controls so you can mix and match terrain as you please.

      Further details:
      April 11th event
      General info + rules and regs
      Event schedule

      If you can’t find a willing friend, then try replying to this post to make a team with other WTMC members or contact me on vicepresident at wtmc dot org dot nz

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