AGM and committee positions

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    • #13974 Reply

      hi all

      The AGM this year will be held on Weds 13 April at 8pm

      Most of the committee are not standing again so there are a number of areas where we have nobody standing at present.

      Current positions where nobody is standing for committee are the following:

      President, Vice Pres, Promotions, Newsletter ed, Journal ed, Transport officer, Social Sec, Asst Chief Guide (and im sure one or two others i cant remember)

      We also encourage having elections – which will be a novel concept having more than one person standing for any one position – so please feel free to put your name forward for any position on committee.

      The annual report is being currently prepared – this year we intend to send it out via email (to those we have email addresses for), place it on the club website, and have a few hardcopies available at club (for the techno phobia types who havent discovered email or the internet). We wont be sending the annual report out via mail this year (due to printing and mailage costs – and the time spent enveloping it).

      If you have any interesting in standing for committee please email me

      If you have any questions on the committee positions please feel free to discuss it with a committee member (ideally the person who is currently doing the respective roles on committee that you may interested in doing)


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