Alpine Instruction Courses for 2007

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      The club is thinking about Snow Craft and Alpine Courses for 2007.

      Generally these happen over winter so course graduates can go on cool snow trips in Spring. At this stage we’re looking for people who might be qualified to help instruct. If you have some alpine experience and you’d be keen to pass on your knowledge or know someone who does it would be great if you could get in touch.

      Time commitment is not too onerous (for snowcraft 2 Lodge based weekends at Ruapehu, a Monday night intro and Wed night crampon fitting(for AIC 3 weekends, the final one at Taranki plus two Saturdays doing ropes).

      Dates at this stage likely to be July 13-15 Lodge, July 27-29 Lodge, Aug 10-12 Kapuni Lodge, Mt Taranki. Ropes would be two consecutive Saturdays before that, one at Fergs and one at Titahi Bay.

      The rewards are naturally too many to detail here.

      Have the skills but cant help out with instruction? Maybe leading a post course trip is more your thing? Again feel free to get in touch – Snowflake, Manukau, Urewau, Travers, Hopeless, Kehu, Cupola, Angelus, Girdlestone, TeHueHue they are all waiting to be climbed!

      Keen to go on one of the courses? More details will be made available when they come to hand.

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