Antarctic Presentation by Jamie Fitzgerald (First Crossings)

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      Hi Folks,

      The New Zealand Antarctic Society, in conjunction with the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences and the Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University, has arranged for Jamie Fitzgerald, from the show First Crossings, to give a presentation on his South Pole Adventure which he undertook with Kevin Biggar (also from First Crossings) in 2007. They skied to the South Pole in 52 days covering 1,111km.

      The presentation is Tuesday next week, 6 May, at 6pm in the MacLaurin Lecture Theatre MCLT 102, Victoria University, Kelburn Parade. Look for Gate 6 on the left-hand side going up which is near the top of the road by the roundabout.

      Cost is $5.

      This is bound to be an entertaining and amazing presentation so if this is an interest area of yours mark it in your diary, and enjoy.


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