Aspiring documentary TV1 Sunday

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      If you’re not heading for the hills, have a look at this documentary on TV One Sunday 4th June at 10:30 pm.

      It tells the lost tale of four great artists – James K Baxter, John Drawbridge, Douglas Lilburn and Brian Brake – and their forgotten odyssey to the Matukituki Valley to make a unique film including an ascent of Mt Aspiring with some of NZ’s top climbers.
      The screening is part of TVNZ’s Artsville strand.
      (It is repeated the following Saturday, June 10th at 12:30pm on TV ONE if you hppen to be away on Queen’s Birthday).

      Tell everyone you can to watch, and check out the new Listener for writer Greg O’Brien’s take on the production.
      DVD copies are available through this address for $45 delivered anywhere in NZ.

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