Average personal food per day

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    • #14166 Reply
      Steve Kohler

      Christmas Greetings

      Can anyone tell me what is the the guideline figure in grams per day for one’s own personal food on a fairly ordinary tramping trip? That is, excluding the protion of group food you are carrying for communal evening meals.

      I fear I must be overestimating the amount I need. I am carrying dried or preserved stuff only…but not freeze dried.


      Steve Kohler

    • #17731 Reply
      Grant Newton

      I have never weighed per day – only looked at dinner weights for communal meals, but my guess is just over 1Kg

      – 150g for breakfast
      – 300g for lunch
      – 450g for dinner (based on fresh food)
      – 200g snacks/dessert

      ….. dried food will help lower this

    • #17732 Reply
      Judy Gardner

      Perhaps a bit late but the ‘Bushcraft’ book (Mountain SAfety COuncil) on page 45 state:
      Working out how much food requires experience. Here are their guidelines (in gram/person /day):

      Breakfast: Muesli 75
      Oats 35
      Milk powder 50
      Bacon 60

      Lunch: Bread/dry biscuits 150
      Butter 50
      Cheese 25
      Salami 30
      Jam/honey 15
      Dinner: Soup 30
      Dehy stew 60
      Dehy vege 50
      Rice/potatoes 30
      Dried apples 60
      Instant pud 45
      General: Scroggin 150
      Tea/coffee 10
      Sugar 70
      Salt 10
      Fruit drink powder 100 – alot!
      Plus emergency food.
      Hope that is helpful.


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