buggy walking club

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    • #14518 Reply
      Ally Clark

      Helloooo all,

      After the success of the family picnic the other day, we thought it might be a good idea to make buggy walking a bit more of a regular thing. Wendy Abbott and I have started a buggy walking club.

      The idea is to meet once a week, to take it in turns to organise a walk on a date and time to suit the designated organiser. This way we will get a variety of days and walks and fitness levels and hopefully everyone will be able to make some of the walks!

      Because they will vary from week to week, you will need to be on our email list, so send me an email and we can add you! If you aren’t keen to organise a walk, but would still be keen to receive the emails and maybe come along, just let me know.

      Ally Clark

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