Bus Replacement

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    • #12805 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Bus Replacement?

      The WTMC Bus is coming to the end of its life and the committee are currently assessing the options.

      A bus sub-committee considers it is time to sell the club bus and seek other transport options. These options include another bus or hiring vans. If the club were to sell the bus, we would hire vans until a longer term decision has been made.

      At the committee meeting on Tuesday 8th November the possible sale of the bus will be discussed and we would be interested in any feedback from members. Please send feedback to by Monday 7th November.

      Future transport options will be investigated further following this committee meeting. We would also appreciate any suggestions with regard to this by 30th Nov.

    • #16838 Reply

      For reasons of fuel economy I recommend purchasing a fleet of motorcycles and, to ensure safety, a set of black helmets and black leather jackets and trousers. To brand ourselves properly we really should sew our coat of arms onto the back of the jackets. Given that we may face snowy conditions we should carry chains.

      What an impressive sight we’ll make on SH 1!

      I’m sure our Chief Guide will support me in this motion.

    • #16839 Reply
      Grant Newton

      On Tuesday evening the committee decided to sell the club bus, aka the “Orient Express”. We will be aiming to get it cleaned up and put it up for sale later this month.

      Following a sale, the club will hire vans in the interim until a decision is made whether or not to purchase a replacement bus or look to van hire or other transport option for the longer term. Such a decision is not expected for a few months.

      Unfortunately Gerald’s suggestion is less likely than other transport options!!


    • #16840 Reply

      The big question will now be:

      Will Harry Smith lauch a campaign to opposing the sale of the beloved club assett?


    • #16842 Reply
      Andrew McLellan

      Rumour has it that Harry could be a keen purchaser of the OE as he thinks the walk from home to his new work place will be too far to cover on foot. During week nights Harry plans to host live blues and folk musicians on the bus – sort of like BLERTA for the 21st century.

    • #16843 Reply

      > Will Harry Smith lauch a campaign to opposing the sale of the beloved club assett?

      Unlikely. Though I might launch a campaign opposing bad grammar and spelling.

      > During week nights Harry plans to host live blues and folk musicians on the bus

      Alas, most of the blues musician I’d be interested in are sadly no longer capable of being hosted live.

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