Bushcraft 08 Feb 15-17 – Want to Instruct?

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      We are looking for experienced Club Members who are willing and able to be instructors on Bushcraft 08. This is scheduled for the weekend of Feb 15-17 and is held in the Tararuas around the Holdsworth road end. Topics generally covered include:
      – appropriate gear and food, how to pack it, look after it, and in the case of food cook it
      – weather
      – navigation
      – river crossing
      – shelter, especially putting up flies
      – other safety stuff eg leaving intentions with responsible people, risk management

      This is a great opportunity to have a bit of fun and share your knowledge and experience by introducing novice trampers and people new to the club to the outdoors.

      If you are interested please get in touch with myself or Bronwyn Bell, we’ll be at club tomorrow night.

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