Can I swap my car?

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    • #14498 Reply
      Roo Tramping

      Hello everyone,

      I live in Melbourne and will fly to Auckland at the end of January 2008 where and when I will try to have a vehicle to get around mainly for tramping Febuary ? April, 2008. Two options I look into are: 1 car swapping (I own a reasonablely good vehicle in Melbourne, female owner) or 2 purchasing an old and small vehicle with buy-back options. The vehicle should be reliable in cold nights and up & down hills.

      Where I live is close to St Kilda beach (welcome to use my mountain bike), Dandenong Ranges (about one hour drive) and public transport to City. If needed, one bed room furnished flat is also available for cheap rent. I am easy going and open for negotiations and can be contacted at email address: I have been to NZ a number of times. This is my second post. My last post was a while back.

      Cheers, Dzung Nguyen
      SE Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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