Celebrating the Tararuas Web page – your contribution wanted

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    • #12606 Reply
      Katja Riedel

      Hi Folks!

      If you want to share your Tararua adventures and pictures and want to see them on a new web site, get in touch wih Darrell.


      Tararuas Lovers Community

      If I could beg a moment of your time I’m setting up a new web site aimed
      at celebrating the Tararua Ranges – the mountains and bush itself and
      the people who have spent time enjoying this wonderful natural habitat
      (http://tlc.dazcorp.com <http://tlc.dazcorp.com/> )

      What I’d like to do is offer site visitors a place to come to on the web
      where they can..

      * read stories of peoples trips and experiences in these ranges (trip
      reports, amusing stories, events etc) and
      * view photographs of the Tararuas and people enjoying their leisure
      time in these ranges

      What I’d like to ask you is would you or any of your members be
      interested in sharing their stories or photographs on my site?
      Naturally I’ll accord credit to the owner unless otherwise instructed
      but I can’t offer any payment other than the kudos that comes from
      helping others to share and enjoy the Tararua ‘experience’.

      It’s a non-commercial site so nothing is being sold and it’s not
      intended to generate any monetary returns. No personal information is
      sought nor will any personal information be recorded by me other than
      that necessary for correspondence with those people who are willing to
      share their stories/articles/photos. Naturally this will be in
      strictest confidence.

      I truly hope that you can help out and join me in sharing what is a
      fabulous natural treasure at our combined doorsteps.

      If you or any of your membership are interested in accepting my
      invitation then I would be glad to hear from you via email. If you have
      any concerns you would like to discuss or would simply like to speak
      with me in the first instance about the site or anything related to this
      project please feel free to contact me on my cell phone 027 304 0094 or
      pass on your contact tel and I will be in touch.

      Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon! =)

      Kind Regards,

      Darrell Mayson
      email: or
      mob.: 027 304 0094

    • #16722 Reply
      Grant Newton

      With a name like the “Tararuas Lovers Community”, I’m sure Harry Smith will be the first to contribute!

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