Chris MacLeans’s book "Tararua"

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    • #13715 Reply
      Chris Munn

      I am trying to buy a copy of “Tararua” by Chris MacLean. Does anyone have a copy that they want to part with?

    • #17403 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer

      Chris..think you are in a long line…Ive been checking in with a few 2nd hand bookshops for some time for a copy also…they tell me this book is hard to come by and not easily parted with by those who own a copy….This one bookstore has a waiting list of 4 people and theyve been on it for up to 4 years….

      I too wish Chris could do would do a a reprint!

      Lee-Ann Mitchell
      Promotions Officer

    • #17406 Reply
      Paul Christoffel

      Has anyone tried to find out if Chris MacLean has any copies for sale himself?

    • #17427 Reply
      John Saunders

      I think I have an extra copy, are you still after it?

    • #17428 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer
    • #17438 Reply
      Chris Munn

      I have managed to get a copy of the book now.

      It is great reading too.

    • #17696 Reply
      Martin Rothbaum

      Not sure if anyone will see this on an old thread, but I have discovered that there is a photo of my late father Peter Rothbaum in the book and would very much like to get my hands on a copy.

      If anyone knows the whereabouts of a spare copy, please contact me on the above email address (remove NOSPAM).

      Thanks & Regards
      Martin Rothbaum

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