Christmas Tramps in Tasmania

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    • #12782 Reply
      Stephen Hope

      I am planning on doing some bushwalking in Tasmania this Christmas. Anyone interested in joining me can contact me on or phone 977 6486 (home).

      I intend to visit the Walls of Jerusalem/Cradle Mountain area in the week before Christmas.
      Yvette Cehtel may lead a trip on the East coast between Christmas and New Year.
      I will be going on another trip, probably around the South West World Heritage area the week after New Year.

      My parents live there so some free accommodation should be available in Sheffield on the North West coast (near Cradle Mountain).

      Stephen Hope

      PS. Come see the slide show on Sept 28 if keen.

    • #16814 Reply

      Hi Stephen

      have a cool trip. be aware that if anyone wants to do the overland track it needs to be booked (either now, or very soon) and acn only be done in one direction in season.

      If you are using buses for transport let me know and I can give you the timetables as I kept the timetables lanceston/hobart to/from cradle mountain etc from my trip there last year.

      tips for saving money in tasmania

      if you are taking loads of gear, if you fly virgin blue the baggage allowance is 20kg, but if you have a bike box they only count that as 5kg (regardless of the actual weight), leaving you another 15kg in your pack. So, if you are going to be overweight and dont want to have to pay, you can get a bike box and put your excess baggage in it, as long as they dont open it to check you actually have a bike in it, no worries!

      tips for saving money in tasmaina 2

      if you buy a national parks pass for a vehicle (about $50 for 3 months) up to eight people can enter any national park (without the car in your case if you are hitching/tramping/walking) when Harry, Glynne and myself visited cradle mountain last christmas we were silly enough to all buy individual passes for $30 each as we were on bikes, combined cost of $90 compared to the $50 for the car pass (but without the car in our case)

      tips for saving money in tasmania 3

      instead of paying $45 for a campsite in cradle mountain national park, travel south of the camp for a couple of km until you see telegraph pole 48 (Glynne, can you confirm the number?!), cross the road and you will find a bit of a track, about 2 minutes walk up this track you will find some amazing camping spots (no facilities apart from the great outdoors and total privacy in the busest national park of tasmaina.

      Tips for saving money in tasmania 4

      mention Harry to the lovely lady in the cafe at the bottom carpark at cradle mountain and she will give you teh dregs of the leftover chips in the fryer for free, as long as its near closing

      ps -have you seen the murals in Sheffield? there are some cool ones painted onto buildings.

    • #16816 Reply
      Stephen Hope

      The Proposed Itinerary
      (Please let us know if you interested in this trips by mid November)
      Tramp 1
      Walls of Jerusalem
      2 nights camping at Dixon’s Kingdom campsite
      Leader: Stephen
      20/12/05, 21/12/05, 22/12/05
      Tramp 2
      Maria Island
      2 nights camping without packs in Colonial Penitentiary or tents
      Leader: Yvette
      Includes: Mount Maria day walk, Bishop and Clarke day walk spectacular views of East Coast)
      27/12, 28/12, 29/12
      Easy or Medium (depending on route selected)
      on the above dates staying in tents, but will be crowded and access by boaters changes culture over Christmas period
      Leader :Yvette
      This would involve adding an additional day; Friendly Beaches camp Cox’s Beach (over Mount Graham to Wineglass Bay would place the tramp in Medium category but will have plenty of time) Wineglass Bay
      New years Eve ? Saturday
      Salamanca open market
      Taste of Tasmania on the docks New years Eve (Yvette to organize)
      Tramp 3
      Mount Anne Circuit
      Leader; Stephen
      2/01/06, 3/1/06, 4/1/06

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