Club First Aid Kits

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      Tony G

      On most tramping trips someone will be appointed to carry a club first aid kit. These kits are not intended for general use such as attending to minor cuts and abrasions etc for which you should have your own small kit, but for more serious injuries.

      Hopefully you will never be required to use one – but you should be prepared.

      Marilyn Odinot has recently checked all the club kits, replaced some items, added others, and even taken some stuff out. And Marilyn has now offered to explain to us all why this was done by giving a talk at club night on Wednesday 17 August.

      I strongly recommend you come to club and find out what is in the kits, some basics on how you use the contents – and what has been left out and why.

      You will be even better off if you drag your tramping mates along – after all they are the ones you want to know what is in the kits and how to use it if it is you they are having to patch up.

      So don’t forget – August 17 club night.

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