Club photo competition

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    • #15799 Reply
      Tony Gazley

      Hi All,

      The Club photo competition is coming up soon so there are two dates to mark in your calendar:

      March 11 – final deadline for entries, and
      March 25 – the club night when the entries are shown and winners announced.

      So now is the time to look through all the best tramping photos you have taken in the last 12 months, or use the next few weeks to get out and capture a winning shot.

      The judges winning and runner-up photos get entry into the FMC photo competition so the categories and rules are taken from the FMC competition. They are:

      Entries are open to club members only.

      Categories are:

      ** = no people to appear in these photos.

      All entries (except in Historic category) must:

      Be submitted electronically with a file size between 500kB and 5MB as .jpg files.
      The only digital manipulation permitted is cropping, sharpening and tonal or exposure adjustments.
      Panoramic stitched images are acceptable provided the only manipulation other than stitching is cropping, sharpening and tonal or exposure adjustments.
      Be taken since 1 January 2014 by a member of the club and may not have won awards in any other photographic competition.
      Entries in the Historic category can be submitted as original prints or colour slides (these will be returned) or scanned and submitted electronically. If scanned they should be at least 600 pixels on each dimension.
      All photos must be taken in New Zealand.
      No more than two entries per person in any one category.

      All electronic files must be named strictly according to the format below:

      CATEGORY CODE-Club-Photographer-Caption.jpg (it must be a jpg file)

      eg ABL-WTMC-Joe Bloggs-Mt Cook Summit.jpg

      Category codes are:
      Above Bushline:ABL
      Below Bushline:BBL
      Hut & Camp Life:HCL
      Native Flora & Fauna:NFF
      Outdoor Landscapes:OLS

      Entries can be emailed to:

      And finally note that this year club winners from the last three years will not be considered for places or prizes. This is to eliminate the same people hogging prizes – although the judges pick of the best of each of the categories will be forwarded to the FMC competition.

      So give it a go – if nothing else you will get valuable comments from a very experienced judge that will help you become a better photographer.



    • #18863 Reply
      Margaret Craigie

      I realise that categories are already decided, but wondering about the feasibility of a “Beginner” section, please? For those who have never entered the competition before.

    • #18864 Reply
      Tony Gazley

      Not a bad idea Margaret. However, we need to remember that what it is that makes a ‘good’ photograph is very subjective and it is certainly possible that a beginner with a basic point and shoot can take a photo that people will prefer above another taken by a more experienced photographer with the latest and most expensive SLR.

      So you should simply enter those photographs that you think are your best. Then come along and listen to the judge’s comments. Your photos may not make the grade – but there will be plenty of others taken by long-time club photographers that will also be trashed.

      And that is how you learn to be a better photographer – have other people critically critique your photos no matter if you are a ‘beginner’ or think yourself an expert.

    • #18865 Reply

      Its also hard to put boundaries about what makes a “beginner” – a newbie to entering the WTMC photo comp isn’t necessarily a newbie to photography. But don’t be shy – you might consider yourself a beginner but it doesn’t mean you can’t take nice photos! I agree with Tony – submit your favourites and see how you get on :-)
      On a similar vein, I do like the idea of an under 14 (or something similar) category though – obviously wouldn’t go into the FMC entry as no category there, but I’m sure there are some youngsters in the club who might be keen?? Probably too late for this year but maybe something to consider for next year?
      I’m off to get snapping :-)

    • #18866 Reply

      ps I like that winners from the last 3 years can’t win the prizes again – nice to give others a chance :-)

    • #18868 Reply
      Charles and Michael

      There is no new information in this message but it does get the photo competition post back on the top of the front page of the forum.

      Charles and Michael

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