club trip April 15-17

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    • #13980 Reply
      Brent Hoy

      Just to let you all know that due to work. I will be unable to take this trip into the Camelbacks. So…. if someone else wishes to take it over then go for it. Otherwise…

    • #17619 Reply

      Just as well…..

      Such a trip involves pain and suffering. (Read northern Tararuas, thick leatherwood .)

      After three weekend attempts different routes to get to the Camelbacks I got as far as the C of Camelbacks on the topomap. I considered this to be the “Camels ass” as opposed to “back” and promptly gave up after a minor success.

      I’d be keen to see some clubbies prove me wrong and make a doddle of a Camelbacks traverse…


    • #17630 Reply
      Brent Hoy

      Thankyou, I have unfortunatly, been up there a few times. yes, it does have it’s sad points, I have how ever had the pleasure of being upthere with a very seasoned tramper. no, not Alan Higgins (he’s just a boy) this gentleman is….. 75. and knows the area very well, and as such ,we go up there on….day trips. (that’s sick) and the long day trip that truns into an overnighter. So I”LL be back..


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