Co-leader for Ruapehu summit bagging trip

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    • #15887 Reply

      I’m leading a Lodge based trip Sep 4-6. Plan is to head up to the crater and bag as many peaks as possible. This is an ALP 1 M trip. I have had a few queries from people who are keen to come but not sure they have the speed and endurance for the whole summit bagging excursion.

      So I’m looking for a co-leader which would give me the flexibility to split the group into two and travel at different speeds and tackle different objectives. This would enable more people to come on the trip.

      If you fancy a walk up to the crater or some summit bagging that weekend and are comfy managing a group of punters let me know. You don’t have to have led a trip before but you would need to have been on an ALP 1 trip or two.

    • #18913 Reply

      I have a Wing Man. Thanks Kev!

    • #18915 Reply

      If Elaine Yelland still wants to come on the above trip could she please get in touch. The yahoo email address supplied is no longer functioning.

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