Committee election quickly approaches

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    • #13965 Reply

      The current committee has almost completed its year long term. Thanks to all the officers who have volunteered their time to give back to the club. And of course the club couldn?t run without the participation of members who do everything from acting as trip leaders to washing tea cups after our meetings.

      Here?s another chance to support your club. In April there will be an election for a new Committee. The following positions need to be filled. Can you help out? For further information, or if you?d like to stand for committee, please email me or contact any other committee officer.

      Remember that WTMC is a voluntary organisation. We cannot exist without your help.

      Committee positions available:

      Assistant Chief Guide
      Membership Officer
      Transport Officer
      Promotions Officer
      Social Convenor

      Some club members have already come forward and expressed an interest in standing in for the following positions. If you prefer to help out in one of these positions please express interest and we can have a good old fashioned non-corrupt election!

      Vice President
      Chief Guide
      Gear Custodian
      Ruapheu Lodge Officer

    • #17607 Reply

      One more position available – Newsletter editor is also up for grabs.

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