Cone Radio Mast

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    • #14043 Reply
      Grant Newton

      We have been alerted by a club member that there has been a 5-6m radio mast built on the open tops of Cone in the Tararuas …. seems like it quietly appeared.

      The concerns raised were due to a lack of consultation and whether it was needed or could have been built in a less obtrusive manner, such as occurs in other places. If you have comments regarding this, please feel free to post them here or drop me a line.

      We will consolidate a response from the club if a clear view emerges.


    • #17663 Reply

      Seems a strange place for a mast, but you might want to check if its permanent. Sounds too big for a temporary repeater (say for SAR purposes). Could be for a weather station? Otherwise I’d be at a loss as to what its for. Cone is certainly a neat area and given the removal of track markings along the ridge between Cone and the turn off to Neil Forks you could argue it has wilderness values worth protecting. Irrespective of that, a 5-6 m tower (particularly if for commercial communications) seems inappropriate in this spot, especially if there was no consultation.

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