Cook book

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    • #14525 Reply

      Hi all,
      I believe the club has a book of cooking recipes suitable for tramping trips. Would anyone know where i can get hold of this cook book?

    • #17971 Reply
      Darren Hammond

      I have a copy of said book, albeit missing a few pages that I erroneously threw out.

      If anyone is interested in getting a copy, drop me an email

    • #17972 Reply
      Mike McGavin

      There’s also Gourmet Tramping in New Zealand (see ), which is in a lot of bookshops now at a cost of roughly $30, generally around the NZ Recreation shelves. I haven’t had a chance to look through it much, but I have it on my bookshelf for future reference and I’ve tried some meals that other people have pulled out of it.

      The theme implies that it’s targeted at leisurely trips where it’s easier to carry lots of food and awkward cooking utensils, which was also the impression that I though John Sawyer gave when he came to the club to promote it earlier this year. That aside, a couple of the meals that I’ve on more fittish trips still came out really well.

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