Craft Beer “Tramp” this weekend

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    • #15650 Reply

      Hi everyone

      I am leading a craft beer tramp this weekend. I was a bit overwhelmed by the trip sheet so have decided to advertise the event on the forum and at Club on Wednesday instead. Please spread the word to anyone that you know signed up as I won’t be able to email everyone with the plan. Instead – this is the place to be!

      I’ll post an update in a day or two (and feel free to reply or RSVP) but given the time of year and the number of people that may be interested I think it would be a bit crazy to try and do this Saturday night. Instead, I propose what is known as a Sunday afternoon session. This is more about the social aspects in a relaxed setting and pace, while still enjoying the beer. It should mean an early night too for those worrying about work the next day.

      So here is the basic plan:

      All grades: Eat a good lunch. Don’t scrimp now!
      Fit drinkers: Meet at 2pm Sprig and Fern Tinakori Road. 10 mins walk uphill from the railway or bus station. Also on lots of bus routes.
      Medium-Fit drinkers: Meet at 3.30pm at the Bruhaus Willeston Street (Near the Old Bank Arcade etc)
      Medium drinkers: Meet at 5pm at Goldings on Leeds Street/Eva Street (Alleyway off of Dixon or Ghuznee)
      Easy-Medium drinkers: Meet at 6.30pm for beer and pizza at the Malthouse Courtney Place
      Easy drinkers: Probably best you go xmas shopping instead :)

      That’s all for now. My mobile is oh two one 073 3860



    • #18773 Reply

      Hi Spencer,

      I have had a query from a non member.

      If following the craft beer tramp, they were to wake up the next morning in someone’s back garden, with no pants, would this count as an overnight tramp and therefore towards their membership obligations?

      Cheers, Mike.

    • #18774 Reply

      I think that the concept of membership obligations may have changed over the years.
      We may need this thread closed before references to “easy” trips are made.


    • #18775 Reply

      Sigh. Gone are the days when I could count myself a “fit” drinker.

    • #18776 Reply

      Regarding fit and easy:

      The pace is super relaxed so it is more about how much time you have to shoot the breeze and hang out rather than how much alcohol you can consume. As “trip leader” I reserve the right to dunk you in a freezing tarn to sober you up if you start bringing the Club into disrepute with non-pants wearing activities!

      Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow,


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