cycle touring people wanted!

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    • #14456 Reply
      stuart douce

      I am looking for people keen on doing cycle touring trips around New Zealand/Australia/.

      If you are keen on any trips, send me an email. Cheers

    • #17908 Reply
      Margaret Craigie

      Hi there,
      What sort of time period are we talking, and are you after the kind of company that will get there in the end but is rather slow? And which do you want – Oz or NZ?

      Warm fuzzies

    • #17910 Reply
      jenny cossey

      Keen to to the bottom of South Island including some mountain bike tracks as some multi day

    • #17911 Reply

      I’m keen to do a cycle trip over christmas period in the South Island. Going light and fairly full on over 7 days to 10 days.

    • #17912 Reply

      I’m planning on doing a fairly full on cycle in the sth island around christmas (probably just after). I’m thinking of going light and speedy on my road bike. Would quite like to go over Haast and Arthurs passes but other than that haven’t thought about it too much.

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